Thorntons Recycling

MODOS Training for a Sustainable Future 25/01/2022

MODOS is a circular economy training programme for micro, small and medium size enterprises. It is a joint initiative of Dublin City Council and the Eastern-Midlands Regional Waste Management Planning Office..

MODUS have announced two new courses for March and April 2022 catering for businesses in the Dublin City and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown areas. These courses are being funded by the Environmental Protection Agency allowing MODOS to continue the practice of offering top quality circular economy training at subsidised rates.

The programme will be delivered virtually. The trainers will make each session interactive with a mix of presentations, best practice case studies, exercises and discussion to help participants apply the learning to their business.

If this is something that interests you, find out more and how to apply by clicking here

What is the circular economy?

Our current economic model is based on a linear ‘take-make-waste’ approach, which is costly for businesses and bad for the environment. By contrast, a circular economy is efficient and environmentally sustainable. In a circular economy, products, components and materials are kept in use for as long as possible. Supply and production chains operate in ‘closed-loops’ making them less wasteful and more resilient. New business models based around leasing, re-manufacturing, recycling and upcycling become possible, saving businesses money and reducing environmental impacts.

How does the circular economy benefit businesses?

Adopting circular economy principles can help your business:

  • Save money, reduce waste and increase resilience
  • Boost competitive advantage and brand reputation
  • Unlock new business opportunities that also help the environment

There is no better way for your business to apply circular economy principles than to open a commercial account with Thorntons Recycling. Your waste is our business - book an appointment with us today 
