Thorntons Recycling

February - Time to Plant Some Seeds! 23/02/2022

During February, those following the Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity theme have turned their attention to planting vegetables. While you may think February is early to start planting, because of the timing of the school year it is important to start preparing now if you want to get a chance to taste the delicious results of your hard work. 

You can begin planting many seeds inside in February and March and this allows you to watch them grow before moving outside when the weather improves and they are bigger, stronger and better able to survive outside. To get some tips on what is suitable to plant at this time of year and how to go about it check out our Crop Cards. You can also watch the Green Schools video

to get started learning about different types of seeds and discover what pots or other materials you may have lying around that will help to get you up and running.

This blog first appeared and was written by Green Schools.
